What is Robotics?
- Background & History
- Applications of Robotics
- Transportation: Will the car of the future be able to drive itself?
- Mimicry of Life: Swarm behavior like ants or bees
- External robotic skeleton allows paralyzed human to walk
- Musically-aware humanoid robots
- Dancing robots
- Robotic cheetah breaks speed record
- Robot Jellyfish, Hydrogen-powered Robot JellyFish
- Robot scientific sensors in the sea
- Flying, swarming robots(Quad-copters)
- Jumping robot, jumps up to 30 ft.
- Robot bee
- Robot Turtle to carry cargo
- Search & rescue - humanoid
- Robotic insects - cockroach
- Human Impact
- Why are humans scared of robots? The 'Uncanny Valley'
- Friends, Care-takers, Slaves?
- Friendly Robots Would you want a robotic friend who could chitchat, do chores, even take care of you?
- Robot directly controlled with human brain of paralyzed patient
- Paralyzed humans (quadriplegics) control robot arm with thought
- External robotic skeleton allows paralyzed human to walk
- What about jobs for humans? (CBS News '60 Minutes' episode)
- Future of humanity and technology by Ray Kurzweil
Learning Tools & Contest Resources
- VEX Cortex Trainer(CMU Robotics Academy)
- VEX Robotics Homepage
- VEX robot examples
- ROBOTC including Virtual Worlds for VEX - learn & test code without a physical robot!
- FTC Contest Resources homepage
- FTC Training On-Demand
- FTC Robot Starter Example Modules
- FTC Robot Starter Example Modules - Advanced
- LEGO Tetrix Getting Started Tutorials
- LEGO Tetrix 'Getting Started Guide'
- FTC/LEGO Tetrix Robot Examples(See Image Galleries)
- More NXT Programs and Building instructions (HiTechnic)
- ROBOTC including Virtual Worlds for FTC- learn & test code without a physical robot!
- Competitions
- Robotics Stores:
- General:
- Create an account to access self paced training on CS2N.org
- Robotics software free trial download for use with CS2N.org
- ROBOTC including Virtual Worlds for FTC and VEX - learn & test code without a physical robot!
- Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Academy
- RobotC - Multi-Robot communication or swarm behavior
- Do-it-yourself from scratch Robots
- Intro to Robotics: RazorRobotics
- Mechanisms overview
- SeaPerch design blog examples by college freshman students
- Cool Do-It-Yourself Projects: Instructables.com, Makezine.com
- Project examples by former students: Eric Smalls
- RobotC for Ardunio platform wikipage
- 'Invent to Learn' resources
- Robot magazine: 'BotMag'
- Engineering, Go For It! magazine (eGFI) for high school students
- STEM Connector Directory: scholarships, organizations programs related to Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
- Howtoons: DIY Projects
- Navy's Engineering magazine: SeaFrame
- MIT's science, engineering and math videos for high school students
- MITx: new free online engineering courses from MIT!, earn certificates upon completion
- Physics videos
- Univ. of Penn. Robotics LAB: GRASP
- We need you! See the 21st Century Engineering Grand Challenges
- Electronics Intro & Quizzes
Related Club Member Opportunities
- SEAP: Navy's Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program: paid summer internship for high school students who turn 16 years old by late June
- VESTED: Villanova engineering program for high school students usually from January to April
- NSBE Junior Chapter/ NSBE Pre-College Initiative at Temple University: see Ms. Maiden, learn about engineering, take field trips, meet professional mentors
- Engineering/Robotics Summer Programs:
- ACE Mentoring: work with professionals on projects related to architecture, construction management, and engineering
- MESA (Math, Engineering, Science Achievement) program, see Mr. Koehler, MESA at Temple University
- FIRST Robotics Scholarships: Get a chance at a scholarship just for being a part of the FTC robot team
- NACME Scholarship (Nat. Action Council for Minorities in Engineering) $2,500 for seniors accepted to selected universities in an engineering major, including Drexel University
- MIT SeaGrant Summer Internship for those interested in a ocean science, pays $800 stipend
- Univ. of Penn program called UNITE:
http://www.usaeop.com/programs/UNITE/locations.htm - Army's SEAP: east coast locations not in Phillyhttp://www.usaeop.com/programs/SEAP/locations.htm
Engineering Schools
- Best Universities for Robotics
- MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Georgia Tech: Georgia Institute of Technology
- CalTech: California Institute of Technology
- Stanford University: Robotics Club (Run by E&S Alumni Eric Smalls!)
- Philadelphia Region/ Southeast PA
- Rowan University
- University of Delaware
- Widener University
- Lafayette College
- Lehigh University
Philly Robotics in the News/Events (thanks to Dan Ueda and Central HS)
- NBC 10
“What the Tech?”: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/video/#!/news/tech/What-the-Tech---Philly-Robotics-Expo/148589895“Philly Gears Up for a Tech Takeover”: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/politics/Philly-Gears-Up-For-a-Tech-Takeover-148266155.htmlPhilly.comJeff Gelles, Inquirer Staff Writer, “Shooting Hoops at the Bot Expo”: http://articles.philly.com/2012-04-26/business/31410922_1_homemade-robots-robocup-human-shapedJeff Gelles, Inquirer Staff Writer, Philly Robotics Expo seeks to inspire a new generation of robot-builders: http://articles.philly.com/2013-04-24/business/38765935_1_first-robotics-competition-central-high-school-springside-chestnut-hill-academyTechnically PhillyBrian James Kirk, “Philly Robotics Expo hosts more than 700 students, teachers at second annual Tech Week event”: http://technicallyphilly.com/2012/04/24/philly-robotics-expo-hosts-more-than-700-students-teachers-at-second-annual-tech-week-eventWHYY / NewsworksRobot Expo Aims to Prove Philly More than Sports, Cheesesteaks: http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/arts-and-culture-everything/item/37414-robot-expo-aims-to-prove-philly-more-than-cheesesteaks-sportsZack Seward, At Philly Robotics Expo, students inspire students to think STEM [photos]: http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/onward/53867-at-philly-robotics-expo-students-inspire-students-to-think-stem-photos“At Philly Robotics Expo, students inspire students to think STEM”: http://thenotebook.org/blog/135912/philly-robotics-expo-students-inspire-students-think-stem