Platinum sponsors NDEP and Comcast NBCUniversal also supported our rookie FRC team 5640 for the school year 2014-15! Many thanks for your critical support.
Our immediate needs...
Platinum Sponsor(featured logo on our robot & t-shirt, plaque displayed in the school):
- Fund our varsity robotics team for the First Robotics Challenge: $3,500 to $20,000 for costs including equipment, travel, and event registration.
Gold Sponsor (logo on our robot & t-shirt, plaque displayed in the school):
- CAD desktops and laptops (4): $1,500 each
- VEX Robotics Kits (3): $1,540 each
- FTC Tetrix Kit & Competition fees ($1,000)
Silver Sponsor (logo on our robot & t-shirt, poster displayed in the school):
- RobotC programming software with VirtualWorlds(6 licenses): $150 total
- Desktop Rapid-Prototyping 3-D Printer, dual head, plus supplies: $1,800
- Event T-Shirts: $200; Club T-shirts $300
- Replacement Laptop Batteries(10): $25 each
- Replacement Laptop Power Cords(10): $25 each
Bronze Sponsor (logo on our robot or on T-shirt):
- Infra-Red sensors(4): $30
- Joystick: $25
- 4 inch wheels (2): $18 each
- Robot motors (4): $21 each
- Tank Tread Kit (1): $70
- Tank Tread Accessory Pack(1): $25
- Magnetic sensor: $18
- Bulk-pack of Velcro: $16
- Flat Building Plates (2): $11
- Cable Ties $10
- Quick Clamp $20
- Elastic Tubing $20
- Epoxy $10
Fundraisers: Buy these items from us to support our efforts, contact Mr. Koehler (
- See the side bar to make an order request for LED bulbs.
- Why are LED bulbs are the next generation in lighting technology? lighting technology comparison guide, see light bulb technology buying guide, LED technology explanation, see PECO's energy savings tips and the article 'From Edison to LEDs'
- Snack and candy sales and bake sales after-school and during lunch
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